

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

Sink The Coin Pictures


Home of 'Sink the Coin' and other distractions: the Boy's cube.

Home of sink the coin

And here is the man himself, the source of 90% of 'Sink the Coin' funds: The Boy.

The Boy - Our Benefactor

We asked Matt "Is it true that 'Sink The Coin' is just a scheme to move money from the Boy's pockets into your own?" Well ladies and gentleman, he may be able to hide from our cameras, but he can't hide from the truth.

Matt - Con Artist?

You would probably think that Lorne's steely eyed look of concentration means he can't miss; well he's about to prove you wrong.


This is Lancaster in the brief instant after the moment of release and right before the agony of defeat.


"Dad, send money quick!"


This is Greg showing why he'll never be a Sink-the-coin player. Failure to notice large objects such as soccer balls approaching the face can lead to serious eye injury. Like an inexperienced kindergarten teacher, he is now unable to control his pupils.


Ben shows off the evidence of how excited he gets when he sinks the coin.


Scott ponders how he can find a way to play sink the coin.


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