

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 12 months ago

Sink The Coin Rules:


  • No practice shots allowed.
  • The Styrofoam cup containing change by Tony Ho's desk (previously at Phil Han's desk) will be the "basket".
  • Player must come with an item of change, such as a penny, nickel, quarter, or dollar coin (depending on amount of change in the "basket", you can also use balled up paper bills).
  • Player must stand even with the cubicle divide at Nathan Boy's cube (previously at Caleb Hufford's cube).
  • Player attempts to throw the item of change (or balled up paper bill) into the "basket".
  • If player sinks the coin in the "basket", the player gets to take out the item of change (or balled up paper bill) plus the amount of change in the "basket" equal to what you threw in.
  • If the coin (or balled up paper bill) bounces into the "basket", you can take the item of change (or balled up paper bill) plus the amount of change in the cup equal to double what you threw in.
  • If the player throws from an equal distance, but on the side of the cup (therefore no backboard), and the "basket" is made, you can take the item of change (or balled up paper bill) plus the amount of change in the "basket" equal to TRIPLE what you threw in.
  • If player doesn’t sink the coin in the basket, the player puts the item of change (or balled up paper bill) into the "basket" and walks off in shame.




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